What happens in a week, photographically and other wise? Find out.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 8: New Lighting Gear.

Week 10
The light test model.

I had a week of cancellation in studio and pick up one shoot on the side. So on Tuesday I got the package from Mr. Paul C. Buff with my B800, softbox and beauty dish. Took them over to Lillie's. Didn't have a model to test them out on so I used a mannequin we dubbed "Pixie". Really wish I had a actually person to shoot.

Then on Thursday I had an itch to shoot someone so I contact Alexandra who I was suppose to shoot a while back but our schedule never meshed. This was a pure guerilla shoot on location at a hotel off the strip. Pretty fun stuff. Check the fickr for pictures as I done editing them.

That's it for this week. My schedule is changing at work so I don't know if I'll be shooting all that much in March. Model wise anyway.

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lighting Wednesday Pt. 4

Day 55 - Lighting Wednesday Pt. 4
I believe her name is Pixie.

The last installment of Lighting Wednesday. I got new lighting gear. A Alienbee B800 with large softbox and 22" beauty dish.

For this lighting wednesday I used 2 B800 with large softboxes, a big reflector and the helping hands of a friend.

Here's the set up shot.

The shot info.
Nikon D300
Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8
Focal length @ 70mm
Shutter speed @ 1/160
fstop @ f/13
ISO 200
Trigger with cactus radio triggers.

Yes, I have the lights super close to the model. Lillie held the reflector.

Simple. Back on Saturday. PEACE!!!

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 7:

Mean Nerdy Sarah
More of Sarah.

Shot twice this week.

On Sunday it was Kai Lansangan.
Kai's Fierce Face

Then on Wednesday it was with Sarah Saribury
Sarah in some Red.

In other photography news, I sold my 70-200mm /2.8 Tamron lens. Now I'm in of a telephoto lens that's more reason. Maybe somewhere down the line.

That's all I got for now.

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lighting Wednesday Pt. 3

Day 48 - Lighting Wednesday pt. 3
That's Sarah.

Here's a set-up diagram.

The print might be a little small So here the info.

Nikon D300
Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8
Shutter speed @ 1/160
F/stop @ f/9
focal length @ 65mm
exposure meter @ -2
Power on B800 @ 1/4
Power on 285HV @ 1/16
Trigger by cactus radio triggers.

I don't know how the exposure meter got set to -2. I know i didn't concisely do it myself. The only reason I found out that it was set to that it's because I was checking out the images on Adobe bridge. Now I know to check out my camera before a shoot. I always check ISO, WB, Shutter speed, aperture and now the exposure meter.

The reflector in the shot is actually a DIY reflector. It's not your usual flat reflector but it's curved like a cresent moon on a podium type thing.

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 6: Last minute and on location

Week 7
Nicole Burron she's from Oregon.

I had some cancellation in the beginning of the week but really no big deal. I took some pictures on film. Developed some of them and still have some in the camera. Walgreens was having a sale on prints. Half off or something like that.

On Wednesday I was contact by Nicole who was refereed by Sarah Z., who I've work with a couple time already. I nothing else planned so we set up a shoot for Thursday the 11th.

Super spontaneous and quick. I pick a alley that I thought had lots of character. It's also had a bunch of people still there. We start around 3:30PM or something and end just about an hour later.

Check the flickr for more pictures.

Later. PEACE...

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lighting Wednesday Pt. 2

Day 41 - Lighting Wednesday Pt. 2
HBP working.

The lighting set-up is pretty simple but really difficult to take pictures of yourself in such a limit space. No set up shot because of the limit space.

Here's the info on the shot.

Camera info:
Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 @ 24mm
ISO 200
f/stop @ F/8
shutter speed @ 1/160

Lighting info:
Vivitar 285HV with Small softbox to the right slightly behind me set on 1/4 power. Trigger with cactus trigger system.
Nikon SB-800 behind the ice house bottle on 1/32 power. Trigger on SU-4 mode.

That's it. PEACE!!!

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Week 5: Getting a Little Creative.

Week 5
Dress by Lillie K

Creative is what I'm lacking or I don't push enough while shooting. With the help of Lillie I got some creative conceptual shots this week.

I guess Lillie got inspired by last week photo and decide to make a newspaper of her own. I use that dress in Lillie's studio with Farrah this week.

The photo above was just a light test while Farrah was getting her hair done by Lillie. My plan was to use one light for the whole shoot. I ending using up to 3 lights for some shots.

I started off with headshots and using this setup

Here's the shot.
Farrah Headshot

Here's another with 2 lights.
Farrah in the recyclables

I had a good time at this shoot. Lots of fun. Everyone did a great job. There's more images but I'm still in the process of editing. I may post them here.

On a side note, I might be bringing down lordspam.com. I'm not getting any real traffic and I'm not really getting any business there. It's cost me money every month to have it up. We'll see what happens.

I'm going to be honest, I'm really not looking to make a living on photography. That never was a goal of mine. But they are cost involved, especially with what I'm trying to do now, and I don't want to lose money. I'll be content with breaking even.

Right now, I'm just looking to get some great images, build up my skills and maybe be published one day. Maybe in the future be paid for such a thing.

That's all for now. Later Kiddies..

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Lighting Wednesdays Pt 1

Day 34 - I shoot film

This is the first installment of a 4 part series called "Lighting Wednesdays". To coincide with My 365 project in the month of February I'll be doing picture lit by a strobe(s).

This week is only one light through a small softbox.

Here's the set-up:
Lighting Wednesday pt. 1 - Day 34 setup

Camera Info:
Nikon D300
Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8
Focal length @ 122mm
Fstop @ f/10
Shutter Speed @ 1/160
ISO 200

Lighting info:
Vivitar 285HV to left of camera about 45 degrees and above of objects. Power set on a 1/4. Vivitar triggered with cactus radio trigger system. I added a reflector to bounce some light back up to the front of the cameras.

As you notice I have the light fairly close to the cameras. That's because I want the light to be as soft and even as possible. Moving the light back farther away will make it harsh and uneven defeating the purpose of a softbox.

I used a poster board, which I got at a office supply store for cheap, as a seamless background for a cleaner more production shot look.

This set up will work wonders on a model.

Got my knowledge of lighting here - Strobist. And I'm still learning.

Till next time. PEACE...

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Random early morning blog - Lighting Wednesdays

Special Announcement:

January is finally OVER!!

It's about damn time I say so.

Anyway, I'm trying to come up with lively ideas for me to do and spice things up a bit. So I figured since I have all these lights and light modiifers at my deposal, on Wednesday for the Photo of the Day in month of February, it'll be a picture that will be lit up. Strobist style if you will. May even include a set-up shot and photo specifics.

First one coming this Wednesday and will be post in my Flickr page and a blog post all to itself. This will be in addition to the 52 week project. That's right, 2 post every week in February.

You feel me? Rock!!

That is all. Now go about your business.

All images can still be seen on my Flickr account and don't forget to check out my website for all your photography needs. LordSpam.com

Full post here.